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Monday, October 11, 2010

Gay Peoples Doesn't Need You Gaga!

The fugly Gaga had made headlines lats week. This old looking woman made video complaining to Government about Gay rights in military. She she said she want Gay peoples is allowed to serves in Military.  This video she's addressed for the senate who is the parties who made nation policy of military. She also said the Gays always targeted by DADt, I don't know what DADt mean. but one thing I heard DADt was policy to investigates someone who serves in military whether she/he was a gay, or not, so the point is Government doesn't want gays in military that's this DADt talk about.

Here's an excerpt from Lady Gaga's statement:
Soldiers are being searched, superiors are going through their emails and private belongings, calling family members, and operating based on assumptions. Ultimately, the law is being enforced using gay profiling, and gay soldiers have become targets. In short, not only is the law unconstitutional, but it's not even being properly or fairly enforced by the government

Wow Gaga, do you think you good enough to be hero for Gay Peoples?. Listen reader I'm no against anything about Gays but one thing you should know Gaga wasn't supporting gays. Don't you realized that she already made gay peoples against government by this video statements. The government already denied Gaga's allegation and said frequently Gay peoples was allowed to serves in military. In fact in reality we heard many gay peoples in military and police department. And yes there many accusation about gay abused in military but not backed by Government. Our government protected all American whether she/he gays or not. so this Gaga video statement is just another Gaga's stunt publicity to get more huge press instead from her creative less fashion publicity. don't you realized we made this talentless singer becoming more famous? Please peoples stop talking about this lady shit. because one thing that I and you agree, WE DON'T NEED YOU GAGA!

Check the video below!

READ MORE - Gay Peoples Doesn't Need You Gaga!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome To Lady Gaga Hater Blog is sites about the ugly untalented Lady Gaga who doesn't deserves fame and money. In here I will exposed about the stupid Gaga behaviour and all her fails creation. Don't be stupid to Gaga she's not creative she was barbaric who get famous from copying other peoples and mocking Christianity. I can't wait for her flop time. So for lady gaga hater let's us exposed the fugly Gaga! Say No to Lady Gaga!
READ MORE - Welcome To Lady Gaga Hater Blog

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